Self Love is your Super Power

Day I do not know of 100 day Project

Alas my 100 day project took a different twist this time around. I am still finding ways to be creative everyday just not on here like I had planned.. however since it was my own personal challenge I can do what ever I want with my creative juices.. I have been working on some new yoga sequences, some new crochet blankets and actually getting creative at work with providing managers much new and improved reporting functions. I have been getting lots of kudos as well for these new reports.

I also reread the entire Aurora Teagarden Mystery Series of books. 10 books in all now and I just couldn’t put them down. The series was made into movies I believe so I am going to try and get my hands on those next. I mention all of these things as it was a way to show myself so much deserved love. Things have been rather stressful for me at work and I have been concentrating on finding ways to decompress and show myself some tenderness during this stressful time.

I love looking for ways to separate myself from the stressors of my work day. I know I load a lot of the stress on myself so I also need to find ways to take it off. My husband always tells me that I care too much about my work. I was always taught something worth doing is worth doing right.. so I want my work to be meaningful and challenging. If I make a mistake no one is harder on mm than myself. I know everyone makes mistakes but when people rely on your for factual and true numbers to make million dollar decisions that weight can really add up on your shoulders.

Teaching yoga online has really helped me again deal with the lock downs as well as setting boundaries for myself. I no longer stay late at the office because I have an appointment to teach yoga. This has gone a long way for my mental health as well. I needed to set those boundaries as I was spending way too much time busy at work with out being productive.

Teaching online has also given me the push to get going on getting a YouTube Channel going. Working on getting that up and running super soon! Say tuned for more details on that!

Today while we are waiting for the SuperBowl I am making a Sourdough Bread loaf as well as going to take a bath and soak away some aches and pains from teaching my Strong Yoga Class. Who knew getting inverted would have such a crazy affect my my body! Just kidding, I love that at my age I can still do these poses.

Would lvoe to hear what you are doing for some Self Love today! Leave a comment below.

Remember to always let your light shine, for it could be a Beacon to someone else in darkness.